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SourseAI wins Cloud-Based Solution of the Year

Data and Information Services Consulting

Leveraging our industry, domain, and operational knowledge and the Atlas platform architecture, our Data and Information Services Consulting (DISC) offering supports and empowers leaders to accelerate their data maturity and gain the competitive advantage.


Empowering our clients to harness AI and data.

Competitive advantage enablement

Decision makers are adopting AI and machine learning at a rapid pace, and this trend is only set to grow. Two thirds of businesses will increase AI and machine learning investments in the coming three years (McKinsey). Furthermore, 86% believe AI will be a mainstream technology at their 
company (PWC).

What is driving mass adoption towards AI and machine learning solutions?


Grow earnings

A 2021 McKinsey study found 27% of companies attribute at least 5% of their EBIT to AI, up from 22% in 2020.

Reduce operational costs

McKinsey’s 2020 AI study found 79% of companies implementing AI decreased costs across all activities.

Increase efficiencies

74% of execs surveyed by The AI Journal anticipate AI will deliver more efficient business processes.


Business leaders are now advocating that, with the right technology and support, AI and machine learning can maximise the value of your customer base and play an instrumental role in increasing customer yield, extending customer LTV, improving retention and engagement, and supporting customer acquisition.

SourseAI’s Data and Information Services Consulting is here to help more businesses achieve that goal.

Enabling data excellence within your business

Unlock the full power of your data, implement secure operational processes, and discover new opportunities to leverage data under the expert guidance of the DISC team.




Explore and map

An assessment to understand where you are now, identify needs and opportunities, and create a plan and roadmap to make it happen.

navigate and optimise

Review of your data landscape and data management operations, and tailored guidance, support and process rollout to increase data literacy.

AI Launchpad

AI use case valuation and development of a business case for the roll out of AI use cases across different areas.


The multi-tenant analytics platform underpinning the DISC offering that leverages mature DataOps and ModelOps flows of the Atlas platform.

Ready to learn more about DISC? Get in touch with our team today.

Innovators adopting AI strategies ahead of the competition can be 10 times more successful than their competitors.

Maturing towards a Data Fluent Business with DISC

Our leading-practice end-to-end process flow in combination with the Compass platform, allows you to quickly identify, collate, prove, and deliver repeatable AI outcomes from your data. We work closely with your team to understand the data and operational needs – and then take action to help you achieve your goals.


Understand core systems, data management capabilities, and the scope of data generated, stored and distributed in the business.


Identify future needs and wants, and the business domains needing analytical and data capabilities.


Understand the maturity and desires of the business for insights and analytics. Embed data governance processes to support ongoing data maturity.


Document the people, methods, and technology to embed data excellence. Deliver a prioritised roadmap and develop DataOps practices.

Contact Us

We’d love to talk to you about our DISC offering and the application of AI in your business. If you’re a business or IT decision maker, get in touch to find out more.

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